
  • Innovative Sustainable Economy

First edition of the MED Innovative Days in Marseille


The Interreg Euro-MED Innovative Sustainable Economy (ISE) Mission celebrated the launch of the Community Practice and the 1st edition of the MED Innovative Days in Marseille on June the 18-19.

The MED Innovative Day is an annual event bringing together local and regional authorities, researchers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and civil society actors to catalyse innovative sustainable practices in the Mediterranean region.

The ISE Community of Practice (CoP) brings together the 14 thematic projects developed under the umbrella of the mission. The CoP aims to create a community space among the projects to share information and support each other in order to improve the impact of the projects.

ISE mission in a figures:

  • 155 connected partners
  • 18 countries
  • 4 focus areas

An opportunity for Clepsydra project to share experience and projects goals on system Agricultural food systems with Interreg Euro-Med Project and join the ISE Community of Practices.

Here are the partners involved in Clepsydra project Interreg Euro-MED Programme:

  • Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration (IGME) – CRCC – CUADLL
  • Instituto Superior de Agronomia
  • Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
  • The Energy and Water Agency
  • Institute of Chemical and Engineering Sciences