
  • Project

Kick-off meeting In Murcia, Spain

The kick-off meeting was held on 21 and 22 May 2024 in Murcia, where the IGME (, the Clepsydra project leader, is based. It was a key event marking the launch of the project. It was an opportunity to hold a face-to-face meeting with all the partners. It was a time marked by presentations by each partner and visits to sites in the Murcia region, including the area around the Mar Menor.

Each partner presented its involvement in work package programme :

  • Work Package 1: Tools development for groundwater data monitoring and interpretation of key gaps.
  • Work Package 2: Monitoring network creation.
  • Work Package 3: Piloting.
  • Work Package 4: Capacity building.

This kick-off meeting was an opportunity to present the next major firts initiatives as

  • As the creation of “local living labs” oriented by Aqua-Valley.
  • The programme tool to measure the carbon footprint by CUADLL
    Next events as Groundwater Open Days which aims the arising of awareness about the importance of aquifers.
  • Desing of a data collection and screening protocol for the monitoring networks, action presented by IGME-CSIC.
  • Design of the Decision Support System (DSS) for data interpretation to enable decision making, presented by the University of Cassino


Introduction by Jose Sandoval Moreno Water General Director of Murcia Region